
Frequently asked questions

Your Questions, Answered: Navigating College & Career with Clarity.
What is the main purpose of the College and Career Team?
Our team is dedicated to guiding students through the college application process, exploring career opportunities, and ensuring they have the resources to make informed decisions about their future.
How can I schedule an appointment with a team member?
You can book an appointment through our online portal, or contact us directly via phone or email.
Can the team assist with scholarship applications?
Yes, we provide resources, tips, and guidance on applying for scholarships and financial aid.
How often should I meet with a College and Career advisor?
We recommend meeting at least once a semester, if not more, we are always available to help!
Do you offer workshops or events throughout the year?
Yes, we host various events, workshops, and information sessions. Check our events page for the latest updates.
I'm unsure about my career path. How can the team assist?
We offer assessments and one-on-one counseling to help you explore potential careers based on your interests, strengths, and values.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please, reach out to the AG College & Career team!