Updated Jan. 2024

Digital Literacy & Integrity

Navigate the Digital World with Confidence!

Step 1: Master Online Research Skills

🔍 Civic Online Reasoning

  • Develop Research Skills: Learn to conduct quality online research.
  • Build Key Skills: Improve reading, writing, and communication in the digital realm.
  • Why This Matters: Effective online research is crucial in the information age.
  • 🔗 Explore Civic Online Reasoning

Step 2: Dive into Digital Literacy and Citizenship

🌐 Common Sense Education

  • Wide Range of Resources: Access lessons, videos, and activities about digital literacy, citizenship, and academic integrity.
  • Enhance Digital Understanding: Learn to navigate the digital world responsibly and ethically.
  • 🔗 Visit Common Sense Education

Step 3: Understand Plagiarism and Copyright

✍️ ReadWriteThink

  • Explore Intellectual Property: Delve into lessons on plagiarism, copyright, and paraphrasing.
  • Learn to Respect Content: Understand the importance of crediting original work.
  • 🔗 Discover ReadWriteThink Resources

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