Updated Jan. 2024

Financial Literacy

Empower Your Financial Understanding!

Step 1: Learn and Interact with Financial Concepts

  • Practical Money Skills & EverFi - Financial Literacyβ„’
  • Foundational Learning: Start with "Practical Money Skills" to grasp basic financial concepts.
  • Interactive Experience: Then, explore "EverFi" for a modern, interactive learning journey through technology-rich platforms.

Step 2: Apply Math and Life Skills to Finance

  • Financial Math & Life Skills for Today's World
  • Math for Finance: Learn how to apply math in financial decision-making with the "Financial Math" series.
  • Independent Living Skills: Develop skills for independent living and handling real-life financial scenarios through "Life Skills for Today's World."
  • πŸ”— Discover Financial Math Books
  • πŸ”— Get the Life Skills Guide

Step 3: Explore Advanced Financial Literacy Courses

  • Banzai! Course, BYU Online Courses & In Charge Plans
  • Online Learning: Utilize "Banzai!" for a comprehensive online course, and explore BYU's non-credit financial courses.
  • Practical Plans: Implement your learning with "In Charge" lesson plans and activities.
  • πŸ”— Banzai! Course Link
  • πŸ”— BYU Online Courses
  • πŸ”— Access In Charge Resources
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